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Ambulances and Evacuation Vehicles

Ambulances and Evacuation Vehicles

We focus on procuring and delivering ambulances and evacuation vehicles to Ukraine, addressing a critical need in the war-torn country. Due to constant bombings and severely damaged roads, these vehicles are treated as disposable items, they are frequently damaged or destroyed. They are essential for evacuating casualties and delivering medical supplies to stabilisation centres and hospitals. The continuous conflict has created an urgent and ongoing demand for new vehicles to ensure timely and efficient aid. By supporting this project, donors can directly contribute to saving lives and providing vital medical assistance during relief and rescue operations in Ukraine.

Tactical Medicine

Tactical Medicine

Our charity initiative is dedicated to supplying NATO-standard tactical medicine, including essential items like Israeli-style bandages, haemostatic gauzes, chest seals, tourniquets, nasopharyngeal airways, compressed gauzes, and decompression needles. These critical components are utilised in pre-hospital emergencies to control bleeding from haemorrhagic wounds caused by traumatic injuries, forming part of the IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit). Each IFAK, costing approximately £100, can make a significant difference in saving lives. By contributing to this project, donors directly enhance the emergency medical response for injured individuals. Your support can provide crucial medical supplies that save lives in the most critical situations.

Life-Saving Essentials

Life-Saving Essentials

Our humanitarian aid project is focused on delivering vital resources, including generators, Eco Flow power stations, and water filtration systems, along with essential medical equipment such as VAC machines, ultrasounds, defibrillators, and anaesthetic machines, as well as medical supplies encompassing crucial medications like broad-spectrum painkillers and antibiotics, as requested by Ukrainian doctors. Many of these items are generously provided as in-kind donations. This support ensures that life-saving treatments and critical medical interventions are available where they are most needed. By contributing to this cause, donors play a key role in sustaining essential healthcare services in Ukraine and improving the lives of those affected by the war.

Demining Project

Demining Project

Approximately 30% of Ukraine’s territory (= roughly the size of England and Wales combined) has been exposed to combat operations and needs survey and clearance from vast amounts of landmines. An essential step in Ukraine's recovery involves developing and procuring drones equipped with advanced sensors for land surveying, including hyperspectral imaging for soil health analysis and landmine detection. The primary challenge is collecting data, real images of landmines, and other related forensic indicators. To initiate and sustain this process, the detailed 3D scans of all objects are needed for gathering data such as multispectral and infrared imaging. We are assisting the Demine Foundation in raising funds to obtain the hardware crucial for effective scanning. This project aims to support Ukraine’s safe and prosperous return to normality and saving lives through AI innovation.

Rehabilitation Programmes

Rehabilitation Programmes

We are supporting long-term rehabilitation programmes for the injured and wounded Ukrainian veterans to help them live independent and active lives. These programmes have been launched by the Citizen Foundation and are conducted at the "Western Rehabilitation and Sports Centre," established by Ukraine’s National Sports Committee for the Disabled. A typical rehabilitation course at the centre lasts 30 days and costs 90,000 UAH (= £1,704). The programme includes physiotherapy, recreational sports, occupational therapy, neuropsychological sessions, and wheelchair navigation training in various environments. Every contribution aids in returning seriously injured servicemen to a normal and fulfilling civilian life.

Ukrainian History and Culture

Ukrainian History and Culture

Our mission includes promoting Ukrainian culture and educating the British public about Ukrainian history, society, and current events. We offer platforms to unravel the complex historical past of Ukraine, delving into its rich literary and artistic traditions. By highlighting Ukrainian writers, poets, musicians, composers, ballet dancers, and architects, we reveal a culture that follows European traditions while offering a unique and distinct character. Our initiatives help discover and celebrate Ukrainian talents, showcasing the best of Ukrainian culture in the UK. Through these efforts, we foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Ukraine’s cultural heritage.

UAID International is a registered non-profit (No. 15646979) dedicated to providing life-saving aid to those who are physically, psychologically or socially affected by war. All members of the UAID International  team are volunteers, and 100% of your donations are going towards our causes.

© 2024 UAID


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